


      Once in 1998 several Tallinn guys intended one mad thing. Afterwards this idea developed. Their thought grown and was realized about two months later. The band named "Teddy & The Jukebox" arised. This band played more or less well-known rockabilly and rock'n'roll hits and consisted of four members:

  • Ahto - vocal
  • Valera (more famous as Mario) - up-right bass
  • Sergei (Jackson) - guitar
  • Villu - drums

  • Teddy&The Jukebox

          After playing and developing for about one and a half year the band broke up. The members went in different bands. For example, Sergei began to play in "The Jumpin' Wheels", Villu played in "Nine Lives". But Ahto desided to gather second band and called it "The Wild Cats". This new band also played rockabilly hits and their own songs. Band consisted of four members:

  • Ahto - vocal
  • Roman - up-right bass
  • Vlad - guitar
  • Vadik - drums

  •       All members of the band are very big fans of rock'n'roll and rockabilly music and it became the natural part of their own lives. "The Wild Cats" were playing in Tallinn and also in possible and impossible places around Estonia. In 1999 very famous british band "Matchbox" had the gig in Tallinn and "The Wild Cats" were warming up the audience before "Matchbox" came to stage. In April, 2001 "The Wild Cats" undertook extraordinary successful gig in St.Petersburg, Russia. In September, 2002 "The Wild Cats" broke up because of special circumistances. But Roman is now playing in new estonian rockabilly band "Wild Ones". And Vlad moved to St.Petersburg, Russia and now he is playing in rockabilly band which is named "Red Hot".



    There you can find stories written by people, who have been at The Wild Cats gigs and who like their music very much. If someone wants to write article about The Wild Cats and to dispose it on this page we shall accept any stories with great pleasure!!!

  • Story by Jaana
  •       I've been an Elvis fan almost all my life, but that has brought along all rock'n'roll and rockabilly, not forgetting for example country, blues and gospel.
          Almost as long I've been an admirer of Estonia and specially Tallinn. So Estonian music and particularly rock and rockabilly there attracted my following. I live in Helsinki, so it takes only a few hours to get to Tallinn and that's what I do quite often. I wrote a story about Estonian rock'n'roll for the The King, which is the magazine of the Official Elvis Presley Fan Club of Finland, at the end of year 2001. Along that I got many new friends there. One of them was Ahto, the lead singer of The Wild Cats.
          In May 2002 I had a chance to see that band on stage for the first time. Unfortunately they don't get up on stage so often than fans would like to see them. They have released so far only one single that's been already sold out. So I didn't know exactly what to wait, when I entered Guitar Safari, a popular music bar in Tallinn.
          I've seen some really magnificent rock'n'roll bands on stage, but this was something else! I guess all bands have their own way of playing and interpretation and it's always interesting to hear different versions of familiar songs. In The Wild Cats appear upright bass player Roman, drummer Vadik, guitarist Vlad and singer Ahto. As I knew Ahto already before, I specially invited my attention to him. He has a personal voice with kind of softness but also strength at the same time, so it was a great pleasure to listen to him. Once I noticed that Roman climbed up onto his instrument. Later I heard that it was one of his tamer stunts on stage…. As I'm not an expert on rockabilly songs, I can't tell for sure, did The Wild Cats perform also songs of their own. Anyway I recognised a few Elvis' songs from his early years and that made me certainly glad. It was a very fascinating evening and I really hope to see this brilliant band on stage again.

  • Story by Lotta
  •       I live in St.Petersburg (Russia), but I have many relatives and friends in Estonia. I have been in this beautiful country hundred times. And I like it very much! Also there, in Estonia I have learned about existence of such music as rockabilly. And once my sisters told me about one Estonian rockabilly band called "The Wild Cats", but long time it was not possible to get on their concert. Finally, the first time when I saw them on the stage was in one Tallinn pub called "Hell Hunt". It was in snow March 2001. The Wild Cats made the excellent show that evening! They played very professionally and with great expression!!! The band played many songs of Elvis Presley, the king of rock'n'roll. Also I heard very famous rock'n'roll and rockabilly hits. In "Hell Hunt" I asked the musicians about the possibility of having gigs in St.Petersburg. And they said: "Yes, we will play there". I was so glad!!
          On the April, 13 (Friday) they have their Petersburg evening concert in our famous rock'n'roll and rockabilly club "Money Honey". "The Wild Cats" was really great! Many people came on their gig and I think no one was disappointed. It was a real rockabilly show! Ahto was dancing right on the narrow stage! And people enjoy it very much, because the singer's energy instantaneous transmitted to the crowd. Little dancing-floor of "Money Honey" was full. Everybody was glad, though many people didn't know the name of the band. But off course the real rockabilly judges were looking forward for this evening for a long time. So did I. And people who didn't know "The Wild Cats" before, now know them well! I remember that the band played many songs of Stray Cats, such as "Rock This Town", "Stray Cat Strut", songs of Elvis and many others good songs. And despite of the unhappy date they had the big success!
          Nowadays The Wild Cats often play in their native city Tallinn. I have been at one their gig in August 2001. It was in the new Tallinn Irish pub "O'Malley". I was looking forward to this evening! And "The Wild Cats" was great as it is customary. There was only few people in the bar, but the band even had to play additional mini-set, because people didn't want to let them go. There I remember how the band sang "Lonesome Train". Roman voice is great, I think!!! But it's a pity, that he sings only a number of songs.
          Since this august I haven't been on "The Wild Cats" gigs. I didn't have possibility to get to Tallinn when this band plays their concerts. But I hope to see them soon!!

  • Story by Julka
  •       I like Rock`n`Roll and Rockabilly. This music is a sense of my life. Therefore, having learned that "The Wild Cats" plays in this style, I desided that I should certainly listen to them and the vocalist of this band, Ahto, has strengthen my desire. Because once he came to one Tallinn club "Raekook" where was the concert of "The Jumpin' Wheels" and began dancing. He danced so well and lit such energy, that all people keep their eyes only on him while he danced.
          A little time has passed and my dream has come true: my sisters and I got on "The Wild Cats" in "Hell Hunt". Expectations had justified themselves: concert had passed wonderfully! Listening this band raised the mood and love to Rockabilly in every minute of their performance!!! All members of the band played and sang superb, and they were giving themselves to music completely. It was really great!!!And such show occured on each gig which I have visited after it.
           So, I can tell, that these guys are good fellows!!! "The Wild Cats" is one of the best modern bands which I could listen to!!!

  • Story by Kitti
  •       "The Wild Cats" is very special band for me. Maybe I’ve not seen a lot of bands playing rockabilly music really good, but I am not professional, so I like the music if something inside me wants to dance and sing and I feel it’s good for me. When I saw "The Wild Cats" the first time I was surprised how the band gave energy to others. They played in an ordinary bar (usually people go there just to drink) and almost everyone danced while the band was playing! And I asked one fellow if he liked "The Wild Cats" and he answered “whom? I don’t know them, but these guys are great!”. Then I was at "The Wild Cats" performances many times and always it was like the first, always something new in their repertoire, something new in their playing on the stage. But one was the same – reaction of the public. People become crazy of the music. In my opinion it’s the best way to show others that rockabilly actually is.

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